Spectra Logic
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Miscellaneous Operations : Degradation Operations : Clear Suspect Object Part on Tape

Clear Suspect Object Part on Tape
Clear the specified suspect blob (object part) degradation record for suspect object parts on a tape, permitting the BlackPearl system to use the tape again to GET or VERIFY those object parts.
DELETE http[s]://{datapathDNSname}/_rest_/suspect_blob_tape[?force]
Request Parameters 
Request Elements
Unless you use the force parameter, an XML payload, formatted as follows, must be sent to describe the suspect blob degradation records to clear.
where the parameters are defined as follows:
Response Elements
The operation returns status only.
Notable status codes:
Sample Request
This request clears the suspect blob degradation record for the suspect object parts on all tape media.
DELETE http://blackpearl-hostname/_rest_/suspect_blob_tape?force HTTP/1.1
Sample Response
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content