Spectra Logic
1-800-833-1132 : 1-303-449-6400

Spectra S3 Bucket, Object, and Job Operations : Job Operations : Get Jobs

Get Jobs
Get a list of all jobs currently running. Use the full_details parameter to include jobs completed or canceled in the last 30 days. Use the bucket parameter to return only the jobs involving the specified bucket.
GET http[s]://{datapathDNSname}/_rest_/job[?bucket_id={string}][&full_details]
Request Parameters
Response Elements
      CachedSizeInBytes="{64‑bit integer}"
      CompletedSizeInBytes="{64‑bit integer}"
      OriginalSizeInBytes="{64‑bit integer}"
         <Node EndPoint="{
string}" Id="{string}"/>
where the response elements are defined as follows:
Whether the job can have additional PUTs or GETs appended to it. Jobs aggregate if created with the aggregating request parameter set to TRUE, or if created by the BlackPearl system in response to Amazon S3 PUT and GET requests. Values: TRUE, FALSE
The amount of data that has been transferred to the cache for this job. For RequestType=PUT, this is the amount of data successfully transferred to the BlackPearl Converged Storage System from the client. For RequestType=GET, this the amount of data either in cache originally, or loaded into cache from the permanent data store. For RequestType=VERIFY, this the amount of data loaded into cache from the permanent data store.
The amount of data that is completely processed for this job. For RequestType=PUT, this indicates the amount of data written to all permanent data stores. For RequestType=GET, this indicates the amount of data that has been read successfully by the client. For RequestType=VERIFY, this indicates the amount of data for which the CRC has been verified.
Whether the job was created as the result of a native S3 command (TRUE) or a Create Bulk GET/PUT/VERIFY job command (FALSE). Values: TRUE, FALSE
IN_PROGRESS — The job is currently running.
COMPLETED — The job completed.
CANCELED — The job was canceled by the user or automatically due to internal timeouts.
Sample Request
This request gets a list of all jobs currently running on the BlackPearl Converged Storage System.
GET http://blackpearl-hostname/_rest_/job/ HTTP/1.1
Sample Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK