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Amazon S3 Operations : Amazon S3 Multipart Object Operations : Complete Multipart Upload

Complete Multipart Upload
Commit a multipart upload that has been initiated, but not yet completed or aborted. Run this command after successfully uploading all parts of a multipart upload. The BlackPearl system assembles the previously uploaded parts in ascending order by part number to create a new object. This process can take several minutes to complete. This is an Amazon S3 compatible operation.
See Complete Multipart Upload for Amazon S3 operation details.
POST http[s]://{datapathDNSname}/{bucket}/{object}?upload_id={string}
To determine the UUID of the multipart upload, see List Multipart Uploads.
Request Parameters
Request Elements
An XML payload, formatted as follows, must be sent to describe the parts in the upload:
If you did not note the PartNumber and ETag for all object parts when they were uploaded using Upload Part, use List Multipart Upload Parts to determine the PartNumber and ETag.
      <PartNumber>{64‑bit integer}</PartNumber>
where the parameters are defined as follows:
Response Elements
where the response elements are defined as follows:
Sample Request
This request commits the multipart upload with the UUID 18baa28f-1c85-4cd2-9023-71600b1759f3.
POST http[s]://blackpearl-hostname/bucket1/test.aaf?upload_id=18baa28f-1c85-4cd2-9023-71600b1759f3 HTTP/1.1
Sample Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK