Deploying the VMDK (Vitrual Machine Disk)

For the smallest download object and broadest compatibility, download the latest .vmdk, and add it to a new VM with a guest OS of Free BSD 64-bit. (Note that the .vmdk requires more configuration than the .ova method).

From the vSphere Web client, download the vmdk and store it in datastore.:

Create new VM

Right click on the host or VM folder and select New Virtual Machine -> New Virtual Machine.

Create a new virtual machine

Create a simple guest OS machine. You will later add the .vmdk as an existing hard disk

Select [Next]

Name VM and location

Choose a name for the VM and proper location for your environment.

Select [Next]

Select compute resource

Select the host resource appropriate for your environment. Select [Next]

Select storage resource

Select the host resource appropriate for your environment (~25 GB required). Select [Next]


Select the compatibility level for your environment (Default should be fine unless you plan to deploy it in a different environment.) Select [Next]

Guest OS (FreeBSD 64Bit)

Set the Guest OS to Free BSD (64-bit). Usually OS Family Other -> Guest OS Version FreeBSD (64-bit). In VM Workstation Player, choose “I will add an OS later, then add the FreeBSD 64-bit after creation.  

Select [Next]

Customize Hardware

Additional CPUs and memory will increase performance. For general development and certification, the minimum requirements are usually suitable:

  • At least 1CPU
  • At least 2GB Memory
  • Two Network NIC connections to clients

New Device -> Network [Add]

(May remove CDROM, Hard Disk, and Floppy)

New Device -> Existing Hard Disk -> [Add]

Add VMDK as Existing Hard Drive

Find the VMDK file downloaded from the Spectra Developer site

Select [OK] then [Add]

View Summary

Verify the parameters and select [Finish]

Power On and Configuration