Vail – Distributed Multicloud Data Management

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Spectra Vail® is a breakthrough cloud data management software solution for the multi-cloud world. Vail combines cloud storage and on-prem infrastructure into a single name space. This allows organizations to extract more value from their data by enabling legacy and modern applications to take advantage of cloud services, no matter where the data resides.

Vail can be accessed through one or more nodes. Data management is provided by an AWS S3 compatible API. For details, please visit our page that is dedicated to Amazon AWS S3 API Compatibility. The low level s3api commands provided by the AWS CLI, as well as other AWS S3 API compatible tools, can be used to assist in data management by interacting with a Vail node. For example, to use the AWS CLI to retrieve an object from a Vail bucket through a Vail node running at http://localhost:3001, the following command can be used:

aws --endpoint http://localhost:3001 s3api get-object --bucket BUCKET_NAME --key OBJECT_NAME

More information regarding the low level AWS CLI s3api commands can be found here.

Management of the Vail Sphere can be done through a web-based GUI interface (accessible by any node), or thorough a management REST API. The Vail Sphere REST API is documented by an OpenAPI document accessible from a local node at https://<host>/sl/api) The OpenAPI document for the management API may also be obtained here.

In-lieu of providing an SDK, Spectra recommends using these documents to generate client code to handle Vail Sphere management. Code generation can be done through tools such as OpenAPI Generator or Swagger Codegen.